February 28 to April 25, 1992
Figure/Form: The Nude in 20th Century Photography
Group Exhibition

Manuel Alvarez Bravo
Diane Arbus
Bruce Bellas
Ruth Bernhard
Erwin Blumenfeld
Bill Brandt
Josef Breitenbach
Annie Brigman
Wynn Bullock
Harry Callahan
Jo Ann Callis
Larry Clark
Konrad Cramer
Imogen Cunningham
Frantisek Drtikol
Trude Fleishman
Jaromir Funke
Nan Goldin
Robert Heineckin
Eikoh Hosoe
Georges Hugnet
Andre Kertesz
Annie Leibovitz
George Platt Lynes
Sally Mann
Robert Mapplethorpe
William Mortensen
Helmut Newton
Nicholas Nixon
Paul Outerbridge, Jr.
Irvin Penn
Man Ray
Herb Ritts
Jan Saudek
Arthur Siegel
Edward Steichen
Edmund Teske
Todd Walker
Edward Weston
Minor White


Press Release • Artist's Statement • Exhibition Review

Copyright © 1984 to 2007. Jan Kesner Gallery. All rights reserved.

Specialists in Twentieth Century Master
and Contemporary Photography
164 North La Brea Avenue · Los Angeles, California 90036-2912
323 938-6834 telephone · 323 938-1106 facsimile ·jankesner@jankesnergallery.com